Saturday, September 29, 2012

Presents From Home & New Stories

Hyvää iltaa!

I have to admit that, even though I've only come to Finland about one month ago and I've only been in Kokkola for 5 days, I already started missing my host family xD
So, here I am again! I feel like there's a lot of stuff I need to do - I'm always busy since I came here!!

I'm finally being close to feeling all healthy again! :D there's almost no coughing anymore, but today, after 5 hours of shopping, I had a little headache and also my voice seems so be husky when I don't talk for a longer period of time...hope that'll go away soon!
Yet, not being able to talk so much isn't exactly a big problem in Finland, since people appreciate the silence xD
Thinking back, I remember that quietness between two or more people in Austria seemed to arise an uncomfortable atmosphere. I always thought the same until one day I was with a friend and we didn't talk for some time and he asked me if it bothers me, adding that it didn't bother him. That was probably the first time I thought about this topic and found out that silence can also be a positive and calming ambience. There don't always need to be words.

Oh, I'm not sure if I already mentioned that I was already going out in Tampere (it was before Kokkola)...anyways, I'll write it now ;D I was with Mirkka and one of her friends. Going out in Finland is like:

Seriously - we should have that in Austria too! xDD
At first, we went to "Hällänkellari", a nice little club in the centre of the city! Afterwards we went to  the Gay-Party, which was not far away. That was...interesting and funny, since there were so many totally different people! Various ages, various styles, various nationalities... unfortunately, I wasn't able to talk or understand much, because everyone we were with spoke in finnish...but I met Mirkkas hairdresser, he was really REALLY wasted xD ...but it was quite amusing to observe!

Yesterday I also received a package that my mommy sent me from home (mostly with pullovers, winter clothing and medical resources), but it was huge and heavy xD
Wohooo it was the first package adressed to me in Finland *o* I hope there'll be more!

She also sent me a glass of Nutella with the other stuff! ...which was immediately very popular with all the family members here xD oh, it feels so good to have a taste of Nutella after almost one month of waiver of it, because Finns don't seem to consume a lot of chocolate related stuff and it's also difficult to find in shops...but I opened the package, showed it to Mirkka and she was like "Lasse!! NUTELLA!!!" xDDD

Living in a house with little children has one remarkable difficulty: you always need to put your stuff (especially Laptops, phones, ipods and other things that might break easily) into unreachable places, for they always seem to be interested in those kinds of objects!
I somehow fear that one day it might be my Laptop since they CAN reach the cupboard, that I put it on, if they really want to and they also like playing with my mouse pointer and cables. (but I hope that my host parents will be able to find the Wlan password soon so that I can put my Laptop in my room ;D )
Today I had a cup of coffee on a cupboard near my seat and as soon as I didn't watch for one moment, Toni, the youngest one of my "siblings", reached for it and my cup was on the floor...the coffee all around....this happend two times! I'm not gonna take my coffee with me to this room again xD

It's saturday evening and I'm sitting at home >.< but I think that's not that much of a problem, since I've always so much to do that sometimes I don't even want to start with anything xD so it's okay to just have a relaxing weekend :)

Tomorrow, Saska will come to Tampere, so we'll meet again! I'm looking forward to this. I hope I'll also meet Saana again soon...maybe when I go to Helsinki again...I should start making plans!! ...about the fall holidays, about trips, about concerts outside of Tampere...maybe also about Christmas holidays already :)

Oh, by the way, I also checked out "Technicolour" (remember? = their vocalist was in that finnish movie I saw one week ago ;D )! I like their music, especially this song:

When I was in the city today, I did what I wanted to do since I came here: I went to a music shop IN Tampere ("Swamp Music" - guess what: almost only Rock & Metal music in there xDD) and bought a CD of a band FROM Tampere --> "Negative" *-*

Completely changing the topic, I think I should use the chance to tribute one of my Austrian friends, Rebecca! She's doing Cosplay and when I was still at home, me and my sister joined her a lot and I always enjoyed our projects ;D Ever since I went abroad (I actually don't know if I should call Finland "abroad" or "2nd home", because it already seems so familiar and it was never that much of a change for me, except for the people) she continued her work and I really like her pictures, so I'll just link her here:

Rebecca, I heard that you're not feeling too well these last days, so I really hope you'll be fine and all happy again! :)

um...I think that's all I have to say for now...oh wait, one more little story, hehe:

At the kindergarten, we recently had a lot of children's birthday and there's one part of the celebration I like best: while the birthday child is standing near it's chair, one of the other children receives a bag and plays the "Postman" (  :P  ) The other children sing a postman-song, while the chosen child walkes around the tables and brings the birthday child a birthday card! This is so cute!! ...and funny, since I've been doing a holiday job as a postman before doing the EVS ;P

The song goes like:

"Minä olen pikkupoika posteljooni, posteljooni, posteljooni,
ja minä olen pikkupoika posteljooni ja kiertelen ympäri suomenmaan.

Minäpa se jakelen ne kirjeet ja muut, ne kirjeet ja muut, ne kirjeet ja muut.
Minäpa se jakelen ne kirjeet ja muut, ja naurussa ompi tyttöjen suut."

....I'll take some time and learn this one!! :D and then I'll sing it to my postman friends in Austria! ...or maybe not xD

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