Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter and Tallinn ^.~


First of all, thank you for more than 2.000 awesome pageviews!! *o*/

Today, I have a lot to tell about the Easter weekend ;D
I met up with many people and I:

- saw some Austrian friends again
- took a cruise to Tallinn
- had dinner at the Hard Rock Café
- received an Easter surprise package from home
- took part in a drinking game with Norwegians
- played CSI Miami in Finland's National Museum of History
- visited an Exhibition about Japanese Textile
- defeated Czerni at "Angry Birds" in the Museum of Design
- drew the "Imperial and Royal Eagle of Austria" on some friends' wall in Helsinki

It was quite stressful at times, but really fun! Thursday morning I took an early train to Helsinki, from where I went to Tallinn by ship - together with David, Kristina, Thomas, Lukas und Anzi from Austria!
David and Kristina are currently studying in Jyväskylä for a term, while the others came to the north for holidays. Anyways, I hadn't seen either of them since the beginning of the new year, so I was looking forward to the trip a lot and as expected it was great, though they were running sort of a bet, whether I'd regret coming along or not (due to crazy behaviour xD ). In the end there was one moment that I honestly felt vicarious embarrassment - just 5 words: "Helsinki tram" and "bad Austrian songs". Aside that, it was just awesome and Tallinn is a really beautiful medieval place!

When we returned to Finland's capital in the evening, we had dinner with 2 more Austrian friends that had arrived meanwhile - Sophie and Czerni - at the legendary Hard Rock Cafe!

Friday afternoon, I went back to Tampere, where I spend the following night. In the morning I received an Easter surprise package from my parents :3 lots and lots of chocolate and a few more things - thank you!!!

Later on Saturday, I took another train to Helsinki and met my friends again, this time staying longer ;)
We decided to be culturally active for once in a while and visited the National Museum of History. It was really interesting (actually been a long time since I last visited a museum... :) )
As we were walking from room to room, we ended up finding these huge table platforms with touchscreens, displaying information about whatever was to be shown inside the room. It was obvious what came then: playing CSI Miami xDD haha, if you go to that museum once, don't miss that!!

We rented a room in a hotel near the port and ended up playing a drinking game from Jyväskylä ;D (guess you can imagine what Finnish drinking games are like :P ) after some time 2 Norwegian girls knocked on our door to ask if they could participate! I cannot help but say that Norwegian totally sounds like French! :O and they were telling us about Norway - that, to them, Finland and Sweden are so "CHEAP" !!

Sundays are Sundays everywhere, so there wasn't really much to do, but we found another museum that was open, so we went to see an exhibition about Japanese textiles in the Museum of Design and it turned out to be really interesting!
There, we also found some tablets to play Angry Birds and of course we didn't miss the chance ;D

Each day, we became less and less people, as one after another flew back to Austria and on the last evening, there were only Sophie, Czerni, David and me left. Sophie and Czerni were still residing in their hotel and David and me were couchsurfing at an apartment in central Helsinki. Our hosts were really nice and we had a lot of fun together. They had a guest book and also a wall where visitors could write or draw anything on. That was the point where David jokingly challenged me to draw the "k.u.k. eagle" of Austria, but I was like:

...and this is how it turned out to be:

So, after a really active weekend, it was also relaxing to come home on Monday and have some more hours of Easter holidays before going to work again. :)

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