Thursday, October 4, 2012

Preparing for Helsinki

Hyvää iltaa!

It's "Torstai illalla" (thursday in the evening), tomorrow I'm going to Helsinki! My head teacher at work has allowed me to gather my overtime hours and take this Friday off, so I'm going there straight in the morning!
I'm really looking forward to this, though I haven't even packed yet (I'm going to stay the whole weekend, after all!) buuuut there's still time to do so - the night is young! :P
I think I'll go shopping on and a little sight-seeing. On saturday evening I go to "Trash Fest V" (little  international festival with 5 bands playing, among them: Private Line (FIN), Deathstars (SWE) & Lord of the Lost (GER) ). It's sad that a lot of good finnish bands aren't touring right now, but I think they'll do next year, at least when Nummirock, Sauna Open-Air, Sonisphere and Co. come again and until then I'll go to most concerts of bands I know and like.
I'll return to Tampere on sunday night, so I don't know yet if I'll have the possibility to use internet, blog, skype during these days, but we'll see.
Saska and Saana, who picked me up at the airport when I arrived in Helsinki at the beginning of September were so kind as to offer me their house to stay for these days :D
It's been a month since I saw Saana (and baby Vincent :) ) - I hope they're doing fine!
....aaaand I really hope I'll be able to orientate myself there! >.< I've only been there once where we walked around at dusk and everything was new!

I'm still thinking about the coming fall holidays... it's only 5 days, the weekend included, but I definitely need to do something, just for feeling good and seizing the chance...but what??
First, I thought about travelling home, but it's just so little time. A lot of my new friends that are volunteering elsewhere in Finland go on a trip to Turku, but their holidays are one week later than mine, so I can't join. Then my workmate told me that she wants to go to St. Petersburg, but on the 2nd day of the fall break there's also a music festival in Tampere that I'd like to see and she wants to spend all the days in Russia.
Just, what should I do??

Sooo, I bought my bus ticket yesterday with the help of my host daddy, translating finnish websites for me! And today I got my festival ticket at a local music store - haha, you might have guessed already, but if you enter a Tampere music store, there's Rock and Metal music right away from the door - you have to search for Hip Hop, Electronic and Rap in the back shelves of the room. They even have separate shelves for finnish bands, called "Kotimaiset"!

Oh, and I've had a moment of success today: one of my goals at work is to actually motivate the children there to talk in English to me (I won't understand otherwise anyways xD ). I've been forming an elephant of clay and one of the girls found it. She went to the head teacher for translation and then walked up to me, asking "Elisabeth, did you make that?" :D :D
It's only when they really really want to tell or ask me something, that they try speaking in English, except for "no" and "yes" - but she did! And also, one of the others was standing behind me the other day, always saying "booo!" and then talked in Finnish, which I didn't understand. She left, came back and asked "Did you get scared?" xD

Ah, and I also start to understand what they're talking now...sometimes :D easy conversation in Finnish even works here and there, for example:

kid: "which one (of the fruits) should the rabbit eat now?"
me: "hm, this one!"
kid: "okay" :D

...and a lot of times like this:

kid: "ajfetjagjonoirejgjg#p3kjeiagf slkajogijapogjp4jta ja qäigj3jgj3ogjo"
me: "okay"
kid: "llskjgjopgertpp ajgöoirejgi repzuhkjäkhlrkpsj aäifrejgg seähjösijesnferkg  sjsokhjsoeköoirjtgveigkveiojgnoes äsiejsijskejtgjg sjejtöijsg ldsjögwozjtdkjö"
me: "yes"
kid: *smiles*
me: *smiles*
everyone is happy.

...but no idea what I'm agreeing to xDD

I also have some project I'm working on from time to time. My first one was this:

The children had coloured some animals and I was asked to put them on the wall in a nice way.

My current task is to built a castle on these wooden "walls":

I'm working on it!! xD

Okay, time to prepare myself a little for the weekend :D

Oh, Mirkka and Niia just came back from the cruise! They brought me this:

Cloudberry - never heard of this before, but very curious what it will taste like! :D :D :D
Anyways, it sounds really interesting:


By the way, did you know: Finns like "light" food - light lemonade, light yoghurt, light milk...everything light xD


Have a nice day! :)

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